From The Concrete: Sizzle Rises Despite The Odds

Being raised downtown lower east side, life has been a battle of every day survival mentally and Physically for lyricist Sizzle. Living in poverty and struggle he woke up everyday with one thing on his mind; a way out. Needing to escape the emotion and often reality of the world, he learned to turn his pain into art.

When it comes to music, Sizzle has always made it his mission to let those on similar paths in life know that where they come from and the odds they face do not determine their success. Anything they want in life can happen if they go hard and relentlessly chase what it is they want. Sizzle has admired and studied how other influential artist in the industry have made it due to just having heart and the will power to chase the dream regardless of their circumstance. This has inspired him to always continue to advance as an artist from his flow to production. So its safe to say on his latest project “ The Wave” he gave it HIS all. Putting his everything into this projec, it was important for him to introduce the not so pretty partS of New York to the people. Giving the fans something a little more hardcore and transparent.

“This project is important to me because I wanted a grimmy, drill feeling to the project & that’s exactly what I did. It’s about being wavy & feeling yourself. It has a gutter feeling to it.”


Continue to keep up with Sizzle at

Apple Music


This blog was written by Adriene Michelle.

Kenneth Twilley