Kid Flvsh: Master of the Arts

From PLATINUM plaques to gold kid flvsh is inspiring a new generation of creatives by kicking down doors ,and making way for exciting new OPPORTUNITIES.ORIGINALLY born in new jersey and heavily influenced by the new York city life Kid flvsh is a true master of the arts.

Drawing in his friends sketchbook at the lunch table kid flash remembers always having a talent for drawing .enjoying studying animation most kid flash is able to mix realistic with cartoon and finding the balance with his cover art.

Going beyond his cover art creations kid flvsh artistic ABILITIES extend to the music realm as well.Orignigally making beats on the school bus on an iphone to later fully investing in EQUIPMENT his ability to belive and know his worth continues to pay of well.

He’s earned his title “master of the arts” through his years of growth in each art realm.remaining humble and patient from more cover art and beats to a new animated series on the way kid flvsh has A-LOT to look forward to this summer.

stay connected with kid flvsh

This blog post was written by Taj Taylor

Kenneth Twilley